6th Grade Supplies
Some of these supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year
- 12 sharpened PENCILS
- EARBUDS/HEADPHONES (wired, NO Bluetooth / all classes)
- 1 box of TISSUES (Advisory)
- Ruler
PE Supplies
- Athletic shoes that are not hiking boots, crocs, etc.
- Athletic clothing to leave here that is not school clothes. (shorts/sweats/etc, PE shirt or comfortable cotton shirt)
- Water Bottle. Please bring your own to leave here at school. We will try to supply some for those that don’t have their own.
LAP Reading
- 3x3 post-it notes (any color)
- Notebook paper
7th/8th Grade Supplies
Community supplies for Social Studies, Science, and ELA (turn into Science teacher 1st day)
- Tissues (2 boxes per student) *not rough texture
- 1 dozen #2 pencils
- Glue Sticks (4 pk)
- 5 roll refills of scotch tape
Supplies for students to keep in backpack/pencil pouch
- Important: Wired Headphones to use with Chromebooks
- 3 dozen #2 pencils
- Colored Pencils (12 pk)
- Big Pink Eraser
- Highlighters
- Handheld, personal pencil sharpener
Subject/Class Specific Supplies
- Science: 2 lined, college ruled composition notebooks
- Social Studies: 2 lined, college ruled composition notebooks
- ELA: 2 lined, college ruled composition notebooks and Post-it notepads (1 x 1), Post-it notes (3x3)
- ART: 1 sketchbook ea. student for both semesters (app. 60), like these or equivalent.
- Drama: Composition Notebook or spiral
- PE: PE T-Shirt (Purchased from TMMS office), Athletic shoes, Water bottle.
- Orchestra: Tuner, Rosin, Textbook Habits of a successful Middle Level String Musician, pencils
LAP: Math
- Mead Five Star (1 for the year)
- Dry Erase Markers (1 pack per student)
- Post-it notes (3x3) (1 pack 3x3 per student)
- 1 dozen #2 pencils
- Glue Sticks (4 pk)
- 1 roll refills of scotch tape
LAP: Reading
- Notebook paper
- Post-it Notes (3 x 3, any color)
8th Grade Math & Algebra
- Ruler (Plastic)
- 2 Mead Five Star (1 for each semester)
- Dry Erase Markers (1 pack per student)
- Red pens (1 pack per student)
- 2 dozen #2 pencils
- Glue Sticks (4 pk)
- Post-it notes (3x3)
- 2 dozen #2 pencils
- 1 roll refills of scotch tape
7th Grade Math & Compressed Math
- 1 Composition notebook
- Dry Erase Markers (1 pack per student)
- Scientific calculator (such as TI 30x)
- 2 dozen #2 pencils
- Glue Sticks (4 pk)
- Post-it notes (3x3)
- 1 roll refills of scotch tape
CSI Supply List
- 3 Composition Notebooks
- Clipboard (Flat Clip)
- Hand Held Pencil Sharpener
- Box of #2 Pencils
- 12 Pack Water Colored Pencils
- 1 Fine Point Black Sharpie or Flair Pen
- 1 Two Pocket Folder
- 1 Pack of Watercolor Paper (10-25 pieces)
- 2 Tissue Boxes
- Rain Jacket and Pants