Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Cross Country Courses
Click HERE for a PDF of this page.
One of the PE activities we always do in the fall at Thurgood Marshall is a cross country running challenge. During a regular year, we’d usually do this once a week on Wednesdays. The official distance that all middle schools use for cross country is 1.2 miles. And cross country is usually done on a variety of “terrains” – as in line, grass, dirt, a track, a road, etc. It also usually has hills.
During this time of “remote learning”, I’d like to encourage all kids to see if they can find a way to do cross country at home. For any students who have not done much running, it’s not realistic (or even healthy) to try to go run 1.2 mile straight. For these kids, we encourage them to combine running with fast walking. With kids or adults, it’s important to start slow when starting a new exercise. When just starting, a person might jog for 10 seconds, then walk fast for 20 seconds. Gradually then, people would try to run more and walk less.
I used google maps to make some 1.2 mile courses in some of our more populated Thurgood Marshall neighborhoods. Please understand that doing cross country is totally optional. We encourage it, but we also want to respect that you may not want your child doing this without you or without your permission, and it may not be convenient for you to accompany your child.
If your child can try doing this, it’s great for building endurance and stamina. If not, it’s okay. Anyone can also get on and create their own course using google maps. Just zoom in to your neighborhood, and use the right-click to “measure a distance”, then just start clicking along your desired route. The numbers show in feet until you get up to 5280 feet which is a mile, then it will show miles. Here are the sample courses I’ve made using google maps:
Thurgood Marshall Official Course:
Alternative Thurgood Marshall Course (easier to read on a map)

Ken Lake: Camden to Camelot and back (or vice versa).


Fern Street: (loop twice for 1.2 miles)