
Please review the following information about our school:

OSD Counseling Community Resources

Community agencies offer a number of counseling resources. View a list of many of those resources.


Closed Campus

Students are required to remain on the school grounds from the time of arrival until officially excused. If a student needs to leave during school hours, he/she must obtain permission in the office. A note from a parent or guardian will be necessary to secure permission. Communication from a parent or guardian will be necessary to secure permission. Off campus permission will not be issued for other than previously arranged appointments or emergency situations. Students must stay on the defined school grounds. This includes staying in the designated play areas and courtyard during lunch. Students are to leave campus by 2:45 pm, unless involved in a school sponsored supervised activity. 

Guests and Visitors

To ensure the safety of or students, adult visitors must report directly to the office and are required to check in using the computer kiosk. Because visitors may pose a distraction to the educational process, all classroom visits must be pre-approved by the administration. The visitor must follow check in procedures at the main office. We do no allow visits by non-enrolled students. 


Parents...please help us keep the students Thurgood Marshall Middle School safe and always accounted for! Contact us immediately if your student will not be at school due to an illness or important appointment. Parents should call the 24-hour Attendance Voicemail Line at 360-596-7603. State your student's full name, the reason for the absence and when your child will return to school. If contact is not made within 48 hours, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Parents who do not call in their student's absence will be contact by an automated message late morning. Late arrivals and early departure: please call the attendance line inf your child will be late to school or will be picked up before school is out. Or, you may send your student to school with a note. Students who are late without a  parent's or guardian's knowledge will be considered tardy. All late arriving students are to report o the office before going to class. Students late to class mus have a pass. Students are truant when they leave the campus during the school day without permission or do not attend class. Students who are truant are subject to disciplinary action. Students who are unable to schedule medical and other appointments outside the school day must bring a signed note from a parent or guardian to the office before school. 

The following are VALID excuses for excused absences: 

  • Participation in a district or school approved activity or instructional program; 
  • Illness, health condition or medical appointment (including, but not limited to medical, counseling, dental or optometry);
  • Family emergency, including, but not limited to a death or illness in the family; 
  • Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction; 
  • Court, judicial proceeding or serving on a jury;
  • Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview; 
  • State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28.A225.055;
  • Absence directly related to the student's homeless status;
  • Absence resulting from a disciplinary/corrective action. (e.g., short-term or long-term suspension, emergency expulsion); and
  • Principal (or designee) and parent, guardian, or emancipated youth mutually agreed upon approved activity. 

The school principal (or designee) has the authority to determine if an absence meets the above criteria for an excused absence. Excused absences totaling 20 or more in one school year may result in the filing of a court truancy petition. 

Pre-Arranged Absences:

For an extended absence to be excused, a parent must make a request in writing to the principal prior to the absence. If the principal deems that the absence will be approved as per the above list, it will be recorded as a pre-arranged excused absence. Any absence from class may affect a student's grade. 

Excessive Absences:

School attendance is extremely important to student learning. Both excessive excused and unexcused absences affect your child's success in school. Excessive excused absences are considered to be 10 or more absences during a school year.  

Unexcused Absences/Tardies:

Students are required to provide an excuse from a parent or guardian in the manner noted by the school whenever they are absent. If the reason or the absence/tardy does not meet district guidelines, it will be deemed unexcused even if excused by a parent or guardian. A tardy is defined as up to 10 minutes late to class. More than 10 minutes late constitutes an absence from the class. More than 30 minutes at the end of the day constitutes an absence for that period. Corrective action for unexcused absences/tardies will be progressive with steps such as the following: 

  • Automated calls will be placed to the home phone number for each absence. 
  • If the absence remains unexcused, the school will notify the parent/guardian. 
  • Repeated unexcused absences will result in a conference held between the parent/guardian, student and a school administrator. The purpose of the conference is to arrive at an attendance agreement after discussing ways to reduce absenteeism such as: adjusting the student's program; providing individualized instruction; assisting the student to obtain services needed; transferring the student to another school; or imposing penalties. 

Excessive Unexcused Absences:

When a student reaches 7 unexcused absences in one month or 10 within the current school year, the District is required to file a truancy petition with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A. 225.010 by the parent, student or parent and student. 


Parents of students planning to withdraw their students from school are to contact the office at least two days prior to the student's last day of school. The new school, generally, will not enroll a student until the previous school withdraws the student. All of the student's books must be returned and all fines must be paid before leaving. 




Grades/Report Cards

Report cards are posted to Skyward at the end of each quarter. Progress reports are issued  periodically during each quarter and are available upon request. To view your child's report card, log into  Skyward Family Access , select "Portfolio" and click on the Report Card Link. In addition, we encourage communication between home and school with respect to academic progress. For the current school year the quarters end on Nov. 9, Jan. 31, April 12, and June 18. Report cards are posted on Skyward Family Access approximately one-week after the quarter ends. 



Parents/Guardians are always invited to conference with teachers and administrators throughout the year through a scheduled appointment. The best way to communicate with teachers is through email. Check the MMS web-page or use the email addresses listed on our STAFF link. 

Classroom Problem Solving Process

This process supports open communication between parents and teachers for the purpose of resolving concerns related to the child, the classroom or the teacher. Parents are strongly encouraged to take any concerns directly to the teacher. The teacher is the most logical and helpful person to approach because she/he has the most information and shares responsibility for the child. When emailing a teacher feel free to cc an administrator (Ms. Wood at [email protected] or Ms. Weber at [email protected]) A response from the teacher should occur within two workdays. 

Family Access Information for Parents

Parents/Guardians play a significant role in their child's education. To make it easier to be informed, access to current student information is available anytime. Skyward, our student information software, provides this information through the Family Access link. The site is available at http://family.olympia, Skyward is also available on iOS and Android devices. When you register your Family Access account. To receive your login and password, or if you've forgotten either, click on the "Forgot your Login and Password" link under the login area. An email will be sent to the email address listed on the enrollment card. If you are getting an error, please contact the school directly and verify that your email address in Family Access is correct. In the event that you have questions or problems regarding Family Access, contact your school office or email [email protected] We recommend that students and parents check Family Access at least weekly. 



Health Room/Medication

If your student requires medication at school, the school office must have written and signed authorization from parents and the physician or dentist. This applies to all over-the-counter medication and preparations, as well as prescription drugs. The medication authorization from the physician must match the container from the pharmacy in both medication and dosage.

Parents must bring medications to school in its original container and labeled with the student's name, dosage, and frequency instructions. Medication will be kept in the school office. Please do not send medication to school with students. In some circumstances, the student may be allowed to carry with them emergency medication, such as epi-pen, inhaler, or insulin, with proper permission signed by parent and physician.

Washington State Immunization Law requires all students attending public schools, preschool - 12th grade, to provide proof of immunization, a medical exemption signed by a physician, or a personal/religious exemption signed by a parent or legal guardian before entering school. All students, regardless of age, are required to conform to the law prior to attending classes.

Lost and Found

Thurgood Marshall has a lost and found that is located in the cafeteria closets nearest the entrance by the office. Regularly check lost and found for any items because unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity 2-3 times each year.

Textbook Fines

Textbooks and/or workbooks are provided for each student. Students are responsible for maintaining proper care of the books.Any book fines will result in the holding of transcripts, yearbooks, and report cards. Guidelines for book fines:

  • Broken cover - $2-6 

  • Broken corners - $1-2

  • Dirty cover/edges - $1-2

  • Water damage - $2-10

  • Torn pages - $1 per page

  • Writing on pages - $1 per page

  • Loose binding - $2

  • Lost book - cost of book

Please pay all fines in the office.

Parent and Family Involvement

Marshall Community Council (MCC) is a non-profit organization composed of Thurgood Marshall Middle School’s parents, staff and students, collaborating to build community and enrich Thurgood Marshall’s learning environment. To learn more about how to get involved with the parent group at Thurgood Marshall, visit the MCC website.

Volunteer Opportunities

Thurgood Marshall welcomes parents into the school setting as volunteers. Opportunities are varied and many for our parents! Whether you are interested in an ongoing and regular volunteering experience or an occasional or single event opportunity, we would like to find a way to make it work for both of us. Keep in mind that volunteering at Thurgood Marshall is more than just being in the classroom! Please contact the school at 360-596-7600 if you are interested in further discussions about how you can volunteer and get better connected to Thurgood Marshall at this very important time in your student's life. Marshall Parent Organization is the MCC, check us out!